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[Ftp Server好用的ftp上传下载源码

Description: delphi ftp 源码,包括服务端和客户端,支持多线程多任务上传和下载
Platform: | Size: 66632 | Author: cxgslin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopFindFTP (FTP站点搜索工具)

Description: FTP站点搜索工具-FTP site search tool
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: 望月 | Hits:


Description: 完整的FTP上传、下载代码,压缩包内的DEMO直接用一个FTP站点做测试,请各位不要删站点内的东西。-integrity of the FTP upload, download code and compressed within the DEMO direct an FTP site testing, please do not delete everything inside the site.
Platform: | Size: 876544 | Author: yhb | Hits:


Description: WinSock是一组API,用于在网络上传输数据和交换信息。虽然现在有很多工具如FTP 程序可以在网络上传输数据和文件,但是通过WinSock编程有更大的灵活性,它不需要关心网络连接的细节,不过用WinSock编程却很复杂。在Delphi中我们并不需要直接与 WinSock的API打交道,因为TClientSocket元件和TServerSocket元件(在Internet页)封装了WinSock的大部分API,使得对WinSock的访问大大简化。下面这个远程控制的例子就很清楚地说明了这个问题,它可以发送一个消息给对方,并能够使对方的电脑关闭、重新启动或重新登录。-WinSock API is a group for the transmission of data on the network and exchange information. Although there are now many tools such as FTP program on the network can transmit data and documents, but through WinSock greater programming flexibility, it does not need the care network connectivity details, but with WinSock very complicated programming. In Delphi, we do not need directly with the WinSock API deal because TServerSocket TClientSocket components and devices (in Internet pages) package of the most WinSock API, making the right WinSock visit greatly simplified. Following the example of the remote control very clear illustration of this problem, it can send a message to each other and to make each other's computers shut down, restart or re-logged.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 里平 | Hits:

[Windows Developftp传输程序

Description: 一个基于delphi的FTP传输程序,能够实现上传和下载功能,通过编译-Ftp transfer, upload and download. Written by Delphi.
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: 川川 | Hits:

[Ftp ClientFTP源码

Description: PB源代码 FTP源代码 最权威的FTP源代码-It is the most authoritly codes about ftp
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 123 | Hits:


Description: FTP上传软件,可以进行简单的FTP协议的文件传送-FTP upload software, it's simple FTP file transfer agreement
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 王欣 | Hits:

[Ftp ClientFTP-file

Description: 这是一个用Delphi制作的简单的FTP客户端,功能有上传文件,下载文件,连接服务器等-This is a production with Delphi simple FTP client, file upload function. download link servers
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: 陈敏 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLFtpApp

Description: 一个使用Delphi实现的FTP下载工具,如果有兴趣可以看看,这是配合某软件自动更新写的,很不完善,懒得改了-use of a Delphi FTP download tool, if interested can see, This is in line with the automatic update of a software writing, is incomplete and not bother to change the
Platform: | Size: 722944 | Author: hanfi | Hits:


Description: Delphi开发的ftp源代码,已经有很多网站引用了该Source.-Delphi ftp source code, a number of websites quoting the Source.
Platform: | Size: 361472 | Author: yf | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi-ftp

Description: delphi编写的简单FTP程序,可实现文件上传下载的功能-delphi prepared a simple FTP program can realize the function of uploading files to download
Platform: | Size: 279552 | Author: abo | Hits:


Description: ftp上传下载软件完整纯文本代码,功能原始,供学习.-ftp upload download software from a complete text-only code, the original function for learning.
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: 大中小 | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftp

Description: 文件上传ftp的com组件,并提供了DLL的SDK文档说明-Ftp file upload of com components, and provides a DLL of the SDK documentation
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 飞翔 | Hits:


Description: 在Delphi中,用Indy开发FTP Client-FTP Client Development with Indy
Platform: | Size: 1308672 | Author: wixoon | Hits:

[Ftp ClientFTP-TIdFtp

Description: FTP客户端的使用例子,说明idFtp的使用方法.-FTP client to use examples to illustrate the use of idFtp.
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: 吴秋华 | Hits:

[Ftp ServerFTP

Description: FTP Server API和Integer设置中的源代码程序-FTP Server Program
Platform: | Size: 1961984 | Author: 邹华芝 | Hits:


Description: 用于FTP的上传和下载,显示传输速度,和时间-For FTP upload and download, display speed, and time
Platform: | Size: 1675264 | Author: lance | Hits:

[Delphi VCLddtftp

Description: Source code Delphi FTP-server
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: neprel | Hits:

[Ftp Serverdelphi-Ftp

Description: 很实用的FTP源码,我的WWW服务器上面一直在用,主要是可以自己修改对FTP的控制。-FTP is very useful source, my WWW server has been used above, primarily to modify the FTP control of their own.
Platform: | Size: 439296 | Author: nengbang | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi-ftp

Description: 在下载有用的软件的时候常常因为网络或者其他原因突然断网,已经下载了一部分的软件又要重新下载,于是断点续传出现在网络上,大量的下载工具软件都支持这个功能,其意义就是可以继续上次没有下载完的文件下载,节省时间,不过断点续传功能需要服务器支持,现阶段的绝大多数服务器都支持断点续传。 -DELPHI FTP
Platform: | Size: 320512 | Author: 张工 | Hits:
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